Thursday, October 31, 2019

How World War One Led to the Creation of the Modern Middle East Essay

How World War One Led to the Creation of the Modern Middle East - Essay Example This essay declares that Britain took the central part in the War against the Middle Easterners with the aim of capturing the empty Otto Man Empire. In order to succeed, it had to involve the Indians forces in the war. It also underwent changes in the troops including the officials. A more social soldier, General Sir Edmund who managed to create bonds with his soldiers, making it easy to wage war against the Mesopotamians, replaced Murray. The Ottoman had combined forces with the Turkish soldiers. The following essay will succinctly describe the aftermath of the war on some of the Middle Eastern nations. Outlining and description of the today’s Middle East economic, political, and social situations will be done. As the paper explores the Ottoman/Turkish army was one of the armies’ of unstated quality. However, with Germany as an ally, the empire became a real threat to the British Empire; and in a quick rejoinder, London hurriedly landed an Anglo-Indian influence at Basra that situated between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This was mainly done to safeguard the rich Anglo-Persian oil pipeline that was very crucial to the British Army, and to show the Union Jack this purposefully significant area near the Persian Gulf. During the conflict, the cluttered reasoning resulted to this crusade that proceeded during the moment of recovering from conflict, and principally British force major losses and these sick and wounded soldiers had to withdrawn from the area of the conflict. The Ottoman/ Turkish Fifth Army, who were well equipped with military weapons and had strong defense positions and strategies, had proved to be much stronger than there allies. When the Gallipoli conflict subsided, an Anglo-Indian influence was cut-off and was encircled at Kut-el-Amara, a city that was situated approximately 100 miles south of the town of Baghdad (Woodward, 2011). The restricted, protective stance at Basra had emerged into a distant and uncertain development up the Tigris towards Baghdad, and this eventually was the outcome. During this period, the Anglo-Indian influence lacked enough reserves and logistical structures to maintain and sustain the city of Baghdad, although they had recaptured it. In addition, a well-built British forces was present in Mesopotamia, but had no link to conquer Britain’s principle approach on the rival, Germany. However, the government of India was more worried that the holy war may spread to Persia and Afghanistan, hence intimidating the stability in India. The Indians needed the British reputation upheld in the Islamic community to avoid such a war. In the process of the war the troops were

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